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What's going on


Mother, mother, everybody thinks we're wrong Oh, but who are they to judge us Simply 'cause our hair is long

Oh, you know we've got to find a way To bring some understanding here today

Marvin Gaye - "What's Going On" (1971)

Outside of Székesfehérvár, there is a small village called Pátka. In this small village we can find a primary school, a post office, little shops and one church. This church exists since 1824 and a few years ago it was renovated to host the Tanoda program. A program in Hungary that gives educational support to youngsters with familiar and finantial problems.

Since then, this old church welcomes everyday a group of teenagers coming from school. A school for students with mental disabilities, like autism and other disorders. These kids attend this school, not because they have mental disorders, but because they belong to Roma Community, they are gypsy. And until now, this has been their reality.

I met them in March and I spend most of my afternoons communicating and playing with them, but mainly discovering their personalities and having fun with them.

I do not know how much they understand of their school reality, because it is not a topic we discuss with them. What I know is that outside this church, they understand they have hard lives and a world that many times does not accept them.

Since March that we have become a family, and a family always overcomes the struggles together, whatever they may be.


À saída de Székesfehérvár, existe uma aldeia chamada Pátka. Nesta pequena aldeia, podemos encontrar uma escola primária, um posto de correios, pequenas lojas e uma igreja. Esta igreja existe desde 1824 e há poucos anos foi renovada para acolher o programa Tanoda. Um programa na Hungria que presta apoio educacional a jovens com problemas familiares e financeiros.

Desde essa altura, esta velha igreja acolhe todos os dias um grupo de adolescentes vindos da escola. Uma escola para estudantes com problemas mentais, como autismo e outros transtornos. Estes miúdos frequentam esta escola, não porque possuem problemas mentais, mas sim porque pertencem à comunidade Roma, porque são ciganos. E até agora, esta tem sido a sua realidade.

Conheci-os em Março e passo a maior parte das minhas tardes a comunicar e a jogar com eles, mas principalmente a descobrir as suas personalidades e a divertir-me com eles.

Não sei o quanto eles entendem da sua realidade escolar, porque não é um assunto que discutimos com eles. O que sei é que fora desta igreja, eles entendem que têm vidas difíceis e um mundo que muitas vezes não os aceita.

Desde Março que nos tornámos uma família, e uma família sempre ultrapassa as dificuldades em conjunto, sejam elas quais forem.

The entrance

Sun was out in Pátka

Some figures in the playground

Iván and one of his friends

Team of the Tanoda Program in Pátka

First rule of the day: to play!


©2022 by Lila's Doo-Wop

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